
Coastal Cleanup Day

Welcome to Coastal Cleanup Month!

Every Saturday in September at your local happy place!
This year, cleaning the coast will start at our own front doors.

Due to current health mandates, we will not be having our annual Coastal Cleanup volunteer events. So instead, everyone is encouraged to do their own cleanups all month long around their own neighborhood and places they can enjoy safely.Throughout the month, we will be releasing videos focused on trash and how we can all be a part of the solution to our trash problem.

Please remember to share your stats here and then follow these directions to download the app and collect data about the items you pick up. We’ll also have fun cleanup-related activities, like a bingo game, to keep everyone motivated out there.

Get your own bingo card here and enter into the raffle for a gift card!

Thanks everyone for participating in Coastal Cleanup Month and keeping your neighborhood and our watersheds healthy.