
Municipal Operations

Municipal Operations is defined in the current permit as controls to reduce non-stormwater discharges and polluted stormwater to storm drains and watercourses during operation, inspection, and routine repair and maintenance activities of municipal facilities and infrastructure.

CCCWP staff, consultants and municipal staff participate on the Municipal Operations Committee (MOC), which assists in the review and preparation of guidance and training for municipal staff with respect to Provisions C.2 (Municipal Operations), C.4 (Industrial Commercial Site Controls), C.5 (Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination), C.9 (Pesticide Toxicity Control), C.10 (Trash Load Reduction), C.13 (Copper Controls), and C.15 (Exempted and Conditionally Exempted Discharges) of the MRP. 

The monthly MOC meetings provide an opportunity to further train and educate Permittees on subjects that are relevant to municipal operations and permit compliance.  The meetings also serve as a forum to discuss municipal operations such as pest management or illicit discharge response.  There are also opportunities to hear from guest speakers, share audit findings of stormwater programs relative to municipal operations, or identify the need for new or updated public outreach material based on findings from stormwater inspections.